Partnership EIN

Apply For A Partnership EIN Online

If you are a joint owner of a partnership who would like to apply for an EIN online, click the button on the right hand side.  The online EIN application is extremely simple and should only take you five (5) minutes to complete.

If you are unsure if you should apply for an EIN online as a partnership, read the following description below to get a better idea.

Apply as a Partnership for an EIN online if:

  • You own an unincorporated business entity with two or more members (defined as corporations, estates, individuals, other partnerships, and trusts);
  • You and your partners each contribute labour and/or skill, property and/or money to the partnership, and share the profits and/or losses of the entity; and
  • You and your partners claim any profits or losses from the partnership on your own personal tax returns (instead of the partnership paying tax on its profits).











